Study Suggestions for the Individual
Sugerencias para el estudio individual.

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1. Set up some sort of system - section in notebook; cards for each subject; place to study.

2. Govern the study of subject by understanding how the subject is taught. i.e., discussion or lecture or combination. If lecture is it questions and problems pertinent to material studied or material supplementing the textbook or material from the textbook presented indifferent language? Find the direct relation to type of class notes you should take.

3. If you sense a problem, decide what the trouble may be; talk to the professor and ask for suggestions about preparation.

4. Learn to use library tools.

5. Make a study schedule -- use the clock if necessary at first.

6. Study the most difficult subject first - OR

7. Take difficult subject in "easy doses" throughout the evening.

8. Practice reading (non-fiction) and asking yourself questions over material for 15 minutes a day, increasing speed consciously.

9. Use the Reading Laboratory and the Study Skills Laboratory.

10. Use small white cards (3x5) as an aid to memorization. Topic at top: material to be learned far enough down to permit it to be covered by hand. Drill

11. Make a conscious effort to THINK in class. Integrate!

12. Hunt for a connection between the subject that is difficult and others that are easier.

13. Make a conscientious effort to connect subject matter with every day life and experiences you have had.

14. Arrange ONE PLACE in your room where you do nothing but academic work.

15. Use a dictionary often.

16. Don't waste too much time.

17. Get some outdoor exercise and recreation. Don't over-study.

18. Study a few times with someone in class who is getting along well.

19. Do the assignment the day it is assigned; review it the second day; hen you will know it better the day the class meets. Also, you will always have your studying up-to-date. Because you will then not be behind in your work, you can be more certain of how much time you can safely spend in leisure and co-curricular activities. Not only is a well-organized person usually happier personally, but also he seems to get along better with others.

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