From: Martin Burke
To: roberto@CCMC.UNAM.MX
Subject: [trabajo] Open access publishing in RSI and related policies
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 14:48:02 -0400
Dear RSI Author,

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) appreciates that in the past you have chosen to publish in Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI) and we look forward to future submissions from you and your colleagues. As a not-for-profit publisher and provider of resources to the physics community, AIP's mission is the "advancement and diffusion of knowledge of the science of physics and its application to human welfare"; we are thus continually seeking to improve our options and policies for authors.

In this spirit, AIP has recently expanded our Author Select open access initiative to include all eight AIP journals (listed below). Author Select launched in January 2005 with RSI as one of the three initial participating journals. Through this option, AIP offers journal authors the opportunity to make their newly published AIP journal articles freely available online in perpetuity via payment of the Author Select fee. For RSI, this fee is $1,500.

AIP hopes that this open access option will help meet the needs of authors who have interest in or a need for open access publishing. This fee is meant to cover the costs for publishing and archiving that, in the traditional subscription model, have been recovered primarily via institutional subscriptions. Thus, starting in 2007 AIP will adjust institutional online-only journal subscription prices based on the percentage of open access articles published in each journal -- the more open access articles, the lower the subscription prices.

We also wish to point out the following AIP policies and practices that we believe benefit our journals' authors in their need for dissemination of their research results:

- AIP grants authors the right to post their own versions of their journal articles on any freely available website.
- AIP grants authors the right to post the AIP-prepared version of their published journal articles on their own websites and their employers' websites.
- AIP allows posting of journal articles reporting NIH-funded research on PubMed Central with a 12-month embargo, or sooner if Author Select fees are paid; upon request, AIP will help facilitate the transmission of such articles to NIH.

AIP hopes that, in aggregate, these programs and policies help serve the author community and thereby further our mission. For more information, please visit the following URLs:

Author Select
AIP web posting policies
AIP copyright transfer form

Feel free to send us any questions or comments via a reply to this email.

Martin L. Burke
Publisher, Journals and Technical Publications
American Institute of Physics

AIP Journals:
Applied Physics Letters,
Journal of Applied Physics,
The Journal of Chemical Physics,
Journal of Mathematical Physics,
Physics of Fluids,
Physics of Plasmas,
Review of Scientific Instruments