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Capítulo en libros

Producción de películas delgadas por ablación láser y caracterización in-situ en ultra alto vacío. El caso de SiNx.
L. Cota-Araiza, E. C. Sámano, Roberto Machorro, y G. Soto
Una ventana hacia la investigación en fisica, Editado por Esbaide Adem (IF-UNAM), Fondo de Cultura Económica, Ediciones Científicas Universitarias UNAM-FCE, 2000.

Publicaciones de divulgación en revistas con arbitraje, dentro del SCI

2.- How does it sound? Young interferometer with sound waves
Roberto Machorro and Enrique C. Samano
Physics Teacher, 46, num 7, 410-412 (2008)

1.- Simulation of Michelson and Young experiments using moirè fringes
Roberto Machorro and Enrique C. Samano
Revista Mexicana de Física E, 51, 108-111 (2005)

Publicaciones en revistas con arbitraje, dentro del SCI

58.- Multiferroicity and magnetoelectric coupling in highly textured Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 thin films obtained by rf-sputtering
Raymond, Oscar; Ostos, Carlos; Curiel, Mario; Bueno-Baques, Dario; Machorro, Roberto; Mestres, Lourdes; Font, Reynaldo; Portelles, Jorge; Siqueiros, Jesus
Acta Materialia 66 (2014) 184?191

57.- Plasmon features of coinage metal nanoparticles supported on zeolites
Catalina López-Bastidas , Elena Smolentseva, Vitalii Petranovskii and Roberto Machorro
Plasmonics, June (2013)
DOI 10.1007/s11468-013-9571-5

56.- Optical spectroscopy as a monitor for thin film growth by d.c. magnetron sputtering
Noemi Abundiz*, Angeles Perez*, Marco Gomez*, and Roberto Machorro
J. Appl. Phys. 113, 133504 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4798601,

55.- TEM and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies of Multilayer Gate Dielectrics Containing Crystalline and Amorphous Si Nanoclusters
D. Mateos, M. Curiel, N. Nedeva, D. Nesheva, R. Machorro, E. Manolov, N. Abundiz, A. Ariasa, O. Contreras, B. Valdeza, O. Raymond and J.M. Siqueiros
Physica E 51 111?114 (2013)

54.- TiO2 and Al2O3 ultra thin nanolaminates growth by ALD; instrument automation and films characterization
Hugo Tiznado, David Domínguez, Wencel de la Cruz, Roberto Machorro, Mario Curiel and Gerardo Soto,
Revista Mexicana de Física 58 (2012) 459?465

53.- Optical response of Cu clusters in zeolite template
Catalina López-Bastidas, Vitalii Petranovskii, Roberto Machorro
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 375 (2012) 60?64

52.- Influence of thermal annealing on the properties of sputtered Si rich silicon oxide films
Emil Manolov, Mario Curiel, Nicola Nedev, Diana Nesheva, Juan Terrazas, Benjamin Valdez, Roberto Machorro, Julio Soares, Mauro Sardela
Solid State Phenomena Vol. 159 pp 101-104 (2010)

51.- Modelo del voltaje de descarga en depósitos de ZrO_{X} por erosión iónica reactiva
V. García-Gradilla*, G. Soto-Herrera, R. Machorro-Mejía, E. Mitrani-Abenchuchan
Revista Mexicana de Física 55 (2) 106?111 (2009)

50.- Characterization of AlN thin-films fabricated by reactive DC sputtering: experimental measurements and Huckel calculations
Manuel García-Méndez, Santos Morales-Rodrígez, Donald H. Galván, and Roberto Machorro
Documento DOI No: 10.1142/S0217979209049577

49.- Water-Jet: a promising method to cut optical glass
J. Salinas-Luna, J. Camacho, E. Luna, J.M. Nuñez y R. Machorro
Applied Optics, 45, 3477-3481 (2006)

48.- Density and temperture maps of aluminium plasma obtained by laser ablation
E. Perez-Tijerina, J. Bohigas and R. Machorro
Rev. Mex. Fís., 51,153 (2005)

47 Surface and Optical Analysis of SiCx films prepared by RF-RMS technique
A. Mahmood, S. Muhl, R. Machorro, A. Lousa, J. Esteve, and J. Heiras.
Diamond and Related Materials 2005, 15, 71-79 (2006)

46. Optimal Control on Composition and optical properties of Silicon Oxynitride Thin Films
E. C. Samano, J. Camacho, and R. Machorro
J. Vacuum Science and Technology A, 23, 1228-1233 (2005)

45.- Bidimensional multiple spectra acquisition using fiber optics
E. Pérez-Tijerina, Roberto Machorro, and J. Bohigas
Review of Scientific Instruments, 75, 455-461 (2004)

44.- Characterization of Tungsten oxide films produced by reactive pulsed laser deposition
G. Soto, W. De la Cruz, J. A. Días, R. Machorro, F.F: Castillon, and M.H: Farias
Applied Surface Science 218, 281-289 (2004)

43.- Tungsten nitride films grown via pulsed laser deposition studied in sity by electron spectroscopies.
G. Soto, W. De la Cruz, F.F: Castillon, J. A. Días, R. Machorro, and M.H: Farias
Applied Surface Science, 214, Issues 1-4, 31, Pages 58-67, May 2003

42.- Optical and Surface Analysis of DC-Reactive Sputtered AlN Films
A. Mahmood, R. Machorro, S. Muhl, J. Heiras., F. Castillon, M. Farias, y E. Andrade
Diamond and related materials 12, 1315-1321 (2003)

41.- Growth of Beryllium nitride films by pulsed laser deposition
G. Soto, R. Machorro, J.A. Díaz, W. de la Cruz, and A. Reyes-Serrato
Thin Solid Films 434 (1-2): 7-13, 2003

40 XPS, AES, and EELS study of the bondind character in CNx films
G. Soto, E.C. Samano, R. Machorro, F.F. Castillón, M.H. Farias, and L. Cota-Araiza
Superficies y Vacío, 15, 34-39 (2002)

39.- Beryllium nitride thin film grown by reactive laser ablation
G. Soto, J.A. Díaz, R. Machorro, A. Reyes-Serrato, and W. de la Cruz
Materials Letters 52, 29-33 (2002)

38.- Study of Composition and Bonding Character of and CNx Films
G. Soto, E. Samano, R. Machorro, L. Cota, and M. Farias
Applied Surface Science 183, 246-258 (2001)

37.- Density sensitive line ratios in plasmas generated by laser ablation in thin film deposition
E. Pérez-Tijerina, Joaquin Bohigas, and Roberto Machorro
J. Appl. Physics. 90, 3192-3199 (2001)

36.- Modification of refractive index in silicon oxynitrides films during deposition
R. Machorro, E.C. Samano, G.Soto, F. Villa and L. Cota-Araiza
Materials Letters 45, 47-50 (2000)

35 Electropolishing of Zinalco and characterization of resulting surface
R. Guerrero, L. Cota A. , and R. Machorro
Surface Engineering 15, 418 (1999)

34 Optical characterization of thin and ultra thin chromiunm films
J.Siqueiros, R. Machorro, Shu Wang, L.E. Talavera and J. Portelles
Rev. Mex. de Física 45, 1982 (1999)

33 Piezoelectricity and aging effects in the PMN-PT system.
J. Portelles, J.Siqueiros, A. Fundora, G. Rosario, R. Machorro,G. Hirata and F. Calderón
Ferroelectrics 224, 203-210 (1999)

32 Characterization of Pt thin films deposited by DC sputteringat different temperatures on Ti/Glasss and TuO2/Si substrates.
Ma. De la Paz Cruz, J.Siqueiros, J. Valenzuela, R. Machorro, J. Portelles and A. Fundora
Ferroelectrics, 225, 1125-1131 (1999)

31.- Stabillity of silver clusters in mordenites with different SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio
Nina E. Bogdanchikova, Vitalii P. Petranovskii, Roberto Machorro, Yoshihiro Sugi, Victor Soto and Sergio Fuentes
Appl. Surf. Science 150, 58-64 (1999)

29 In situ ellipsometric characterization of SiNx films grown by laser ablation
E.C. Samano, R. Machorro, G. Soto, and L. Cota
J. Appl. Phys., 84, 5296-5305 (1998)

28 Subwavelength resolution in far field microscopy without near field probe
Mufei Xiao and Roberto Machorro
Optik, 109,177-180 (1998)

27.- Growth of SiC and SiCxNy films by pulsed laser ablation of SiC in Ar and N2 enviroments.
G. Soto, E.C. Samano, R. Machorro and L. Cota
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 16 (3), 1311-1315 (1998)

26 Obtention of a non stoichiometric PMN-PT ferroelectric system
A. Fundora, J. Portelles, A. Penton, F. Calderon, J.M. Siqueiros, R. Machorro and G.H. Hirata
Rev. Mexicana de Física, 44, 65-67 (1998)

25.- Interference in the far field radiation of two contra-propagating surface plasmon polaritons in Kretchmann configuration
Mufei Xiao, Roberto Machorro and Jesús Siqueiros
J. Vac. Sc. and Tech., A 16 (3), 1420-1424 (1998)

24.- Effects of backround gas-plume interaction in the deposition of SiNx films
E.C. Samano, Roberto Machorro, G. Soto and L. Cota
Appl. Sur. Sci, 127-129, 1005-1010 (1998)

23.- SiCxNy thin films alloys prepared by pulsed excimer laser deposition
Roberto Machorro, E.C. Samano, G. Soto and L. Cota
Appl. Sur. Sci, 127-129, 564-568 (1998)

22 Ellipsometric study of the Cu/V/Mica system.
Jesus Siqueiros and Roberto Machorro
Rev. Mexicana de Física, 43, 1651 (1997)

21 A simple device for making optical fiber tips for scanning near field optical microscopes.
Mufei Xiao, Jesus Nieto, Jesus Siqueiros and Roberto Machorro
Review of Scientific Instruments, 68, 2787-2789 (1997).

20 Fabrication of probe tips for reflection scanning near-field optical microscopes: Chemical etching and heating-pulling methods
Mufei Xiao, Jesus Nieto, Roberto Machorro, Jesus Siqueiros and Hector Escamilla
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 15, 1516-1520 (1997)

19 Dielectric properties of the La3+ doped SrBaNbO ceramic system
F. Guerrero, J.Portelles, I. Gonzalez, A. Fundora, H. Amiorin, J.M. Siqueiros, and R. Machorro
Solid State Communications 101, 463-466 (1997)

18 Characterizacion of excesss Si in Non-stochiometric SiO2 films by optical and surface analysis techniques
C. Falcony, W. Calleja, J.M. Siqueiros, R. Machorro, L. Cota Araiza, G. Soto y M.H. Farias
J. of Electrochemical Soc. 144, 379 (1997)

17 Optical and Electronical Characterization of ZnS/Mg Thin Film System
Jesús Siqueiros, Roberto Machorro, Shu Wang y Leonel Cota
Rev. Mex. de Física, 42, 639-648 (1996)

16 Nonlocal effects on the optical response of a rough surface
Shu Wang, Jesús Siqueiros y Roberto Machorro
Optics Comm. 122, 9-15 (1995)

15 Optical properties of Mg, from UV to IR, using ellipsometry and reflectometry
Roberto Machorro, Jesús M. Siqueiros and Shu Wang
Thin Solid Films 269, 1-5 (1995)

14.- Rugate absorbing thin films: the 2x2 inhomogeneous matrix.
Francisco Villa Villa, Roberto Machorro and Amalia Martínez
Applied Optics 34, 3711-3714 (1995).

13.- Admittance Determination of the Optical Properties of Thin Films
Francisco Villa, Roberto Machorro, J.Siqueiros and Luis E. Regalado.
Appl. Opt. 33, 2672-2677, (1994)

11 Determination of the optical properties of thin films
Luis E. Regalado, R. García-Llamas, Roberto Machorro, J. Siqueiros y M. Leyva-Lucero.
Revista Mexicana de Física 39, pp 1114-1121 (1993)

10 Angle scanning reflectometry: study of two characteristic isoreflectance angles
Luis E. Regalado, Roberto Machorro, M. Leyva-Lucero y R. García-Llamas
J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 25, pp 1365-1370(1992)

8.- Attenuated total reflection technique for the determination of optical constant
L.E. Regalado, R. Machorro and J. Siqueiros
Applied Optics 30, No.22 p.3176 (1991)

7.- Optical properties of parylene and its use as substrate in beam splitters
R.Machorro, L.E. Regalado and J.Siqueiros
Applied Optics 30,No.19 p.2778 (1991)

6.- Determination of the optical properties of Amorphous Selenium films by classical damped oscilators
G. Navarrete, H. Marquez, J. Siqueiros, L. Cota y R.Machorro
Applied Optics 29, 2850 (1990)

5.- Determination of (n,k) of absorbing thin films using reflectance meassurements
J. M. Siqueiros, L.E. Regalado y R. Machorro
Applied Optics 27, 4260 (1988)

4.- Determination of the optical constants of MgF2 and ZnS from spectrophotometric measurements and the classical oscillator model
J. Siqueiros, R. Machorro y L.E. Regalado
Applied Optics 27,2549(1988)

3 Dip coating for thin film photoresist film fabrication
M. Gibson, J. Friejlich y R. Machorro
Thin Solid Films 128, 161-170 (1985)

2 Holographic non-destructive testing at the Fourier Trasform plane
C. Roychoudhuri y R. Machorro
Applied Optics 17, 848 (1978)

Publicaciones en revistas con arbitraje, fuera del SCI

30 Postdeposition annealing of ITO films produced by r.f. magnetron sputtering
M. Cruz-Jáuregui, J.M. Siqueiros, R. Machorro, and S. Wang
Superficies y Vacío 7, 47-50 (1998)

12 Reflectance Invariant Measured by Ellypsometry
G. Navarrete, Luis E. Regalado, Roberto Machorro, and J. Siqueiros.
OPTICA 3, 3-8 (1993)

9 Estudio óptico y electrónico de la interfaz ZnS-Cu
Jesús Siqueiros, Roberto Machorro, Luis E. Regalado, Leonel Cota y G. Navarrete
Superficies y Vacío 4, pp 53-57 (1992)

1 Some interference experiments and quantum concepts
C. Roychoudhuri, R. Machorro y M. Cervantes
Boletín del Instituto de Tonantzintla, 2, 255 (1976)

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